Photograph of the new Ward Environment for student nurses in the Think Tank
Following the University’s selection as the provider of adult and mental health nursing training for Lincolnshire, the Estates & Commercial Facilities team has worked closely with the Nursing team within the School of Health & Social Care, and the appointed project architects Framework, to design and deliver state-of-the-start new training facilities. The new suite of training, practice and assessment spaces, located in the Think Tank on the Brayford Pool campus, includes:
- Community care environment containing a simulated sheltered housing unit and simulated one-bedroom flat with lounge, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.
- Primary care environment containing a simulated consulting room, couches for patient assessments, and a flexible clinical skills training area.
- Secondary care environment containing a six-bed simulated ward, nurses’ station, handwashing area and a mobile Scotia medical observation and training system (smots) enabling remote observation of practice.
Throughout, layouts and equipment have been optimised to facilitate teaching and learning while simulating closely the types of community, general practice and hospital environments in which our Nursing graduates will work. Much of the equipment matches exactly the hardware deployed across the NHS.
Student nurses will use the suite throughout the year for intensive training, practice and assessment of the critical skills they will need during their work placements and after graduation.
We’re very proud of our new facilities for Nursing, which are among the best we have seen anywhere. Most of the University’s students and staff will never visit the new Nursing suite, but the skills our student nurses acquire here will benefit the people of Lincolnshire and the UK for decades to come.
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